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We have some thrilling news about the Sun Prairie complex and how you can play a part in its transformation. After extensive discussions and meticulous planning, we've secured a commitment from the city to allocate funds for much-needed upgrades. This is a pivotal moment for us, and we must seize this opportunity to enhance our facilities, or we risk forfeiting substantial financial support.

Please follow the link for more information and consider being a part of this opportunity to cotinue the SPYBAS legacy.



A note about social media – we post a lot of fun stuff on our Facebook and Instagram pages – including Team of the Day photos each day throughout the season. If you have not Followed/Liked us yet – please do so! We also have a SPYBAS Gear Trade In Page on Facebook where you can post equipment that still has good life left in it and look for items you are in need of. 

Here is the link to our Sun Prairie Youth And Softball Facebook Page.

Here is the link for our SPYBAS Gear Trade In Facebook Page

Find us on Instagram at spyouthbaseballandsoftball

SPYBAS Picture night is Wednesday, May 15. Mark your calendars. More details to come soon.

There are great FAQ on the home page of our website ( including info on what equipment kids need at different levels. Our Home Page also includes copies of our January and February Updates. If you have any other questions, please reach out to


We had hoped people would see this on our Registration page but it seems that is not happening. We have re-located to our Home Page so it is very easily accessed!

How much does it cost?  League fees for Baseball and Softball are $275 per season for Rookies/Minors/Majors/Juniors Softball. Pee Wees baseball is $125 per season due to fewer games. Juniors Baseball is $300.(Updated Jan. 2023)

I need to register more than one player, can I register them all at once, or do I need to register each one seperately? You will need to register each player seperately.

Can siblings be on the same Team? Yes, siblings can be on the same Team as long as the meet the age/grade requirements for that level of play.

How are Teams determined? I'd like have my player be on a Team with their friends, can I ask for something like this? Because most of our league teams are drafted by coaches we do not take requests for kids being on the same team. If up to 4 coaches volunteer to coach together at the Rookies level then those 4 kids will be guaranteed to be on the same team. If up to 2 coaches volunteer to coach together at Minors/Majors/Juniors levels then those 2 kids will be guaranteed to be on the same team. 

When does the season typically start and end? Practices begin late April (weather permitting), games begin mid May and go through late July.

Where are games played? Games for Pee Wees through Majors Baseball and Softball are mostly played at the SPYBAS complex on Bird St. or at the 3 Sheehan Park fields on Linnerud Dr.  Juniors Baseball and Softball Home games are played at East and/or West High Schools with some travel for Away games to local communities. 

What nights will my kids play? **We do not know which nights which leagues will play until our registrations are completed and we know how many teams we will have across our 9 leagues. We can tell you that most games are Monday through Friday nights at 5:00 or 6:30 pm. If we run into very rainy seasons sometimes we need to make up games on Sunday afternoons. 

**For the 2024 season, these are the days of the week that Leagues will “probably” play. (We cannot guarantee these days yet, but this is the goal)

Pee Wees – Mondays/Fridays (1 game per week)

Rookies Baseball – Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (1-2 games per week)

Minors Baseball – Mondays/Wednesdays (1-2 games per week)

Majors Baseball – Tuesdays/Thursdays (1-2 games per week)

Rookies Softball – Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays (1-2 games per week)

Minors Softball – Tuesdays/Thursdays (1-2 games per week)

Majors Softball – Tuesdays/Thursdays (possible Wednesdays early in the season) (1-2 games per week)

Juniors Baseball and Softball is dependent on the out side leagues these teams play in.

Do I have to tryout to make a team? No. Every player that registers will play on a Team.  There is however a skills evaluation that players go through prior to play for Minors, Majors, and Juniors Baseball and Softball level of play. This helps to attempt to fill out Rosters with the appropriate level of skills on each Team.

How many games are played each week? Typically (2) games are scheduled per week for all levels except Pee Wee Baseball which gets (1) game per week. 

How many practices a week are there? Team Head Coaches set practice schedules for their teams. A guideline of scheduling about (1) practice per week is asked of the Head Coaches. 

Do I need to get the registration insurance in case the season is cancelled? If the season is cancelled due to COVID fees will be automatically refunded. The insurance is for other reasons - i.e. you register your child and we have a season but your child decides not to play. 

What is the "grade" I am supposed to enter? Pee Wees is the only league that will require grade registration. Please enter the grade your player(s) is in currently. 

What gear does my player need? 

All Pee Wees, Rookies, Minors and Majors baseball players receive a hat and a jersey. 

All Rookies, Minors and Majors softball players receive a visor and a jersey. 

Pee Wees need their own mitt. Each team gets a couple helmets to share but most kids have their own. 

Rookies, Minors and Majors baseball players all need their own mitt. Most kids this age have their own helmet but each team has access to some if needed. Kids should wear baseball pants (most wear white or gray). Most kids at this level wear plastic cleats. Lots of kids have their own bats (MUST BE USA) but kids share them as needed. 

Rookies, Minors and Majors Softball players need their own mitt. Most girls have their own helmet but each team has access to a few as needed. If you purchase your own it needs to have a cage on it. Girls will also need a metal cage mask for fielding. Most girls wear plastic cleats. Girls should wear pants (most wear black). Lots of kids have their own bats but kids share them as needed. 

Juniors Baseball and Juniors Softball players will receive a pair of pants, 2 jerseys and a hat (Baseball) or visor (Softball). They need cleats (can be metal), mitts, helmets and bats (Baseball see Badgerland chart for Bat rules). Softball also recommends/needs metal cage mask for fielding. 

What happens if it rains? SPYBAS will send out a Communication (email or other) by 3:00 the day of games to let Parents know of a cancellation. Rainouts are rescheduled if a Team will not play (XX) games in a given season.

If I have a concern, who do I contact to have it addressed?  SPYBAS takes concerns very seriously over Coach and Umpire conduct. Please contact our Board of Directors through our account with any concerns that you may have.


SPYBAS now requires all coaches and assistant coaches to complete background checks in order to begin coaching.  If you registered to coach and did not complete a background check during the registration process, please click the link below to obtain one.

Click HERE to begin your background check.


No Dogs Allowed at the Sun Prairie Youth Baseball and Softball Complex





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Important Dates

Visit our "Calendar" Tab under "Home" for specific Dates/Times


Sun Prairie Youth Baseball and Softball

Sun Prairie Youth Baseball and Softball (formerly Sun Prairie Little League) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer-led organization. 

Have a question? Email:


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P.O. Box 193 
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590